Sunday, January 12, 2014

Live your life like painting a scarf.


The funny and nice thing about scarf-painting is the surprise. Combining red and yellow then they turn out to be rather brown. Expecting maroon from red-black combination, but the result is something grey but purplish.

They're still look nice, anyway. The final look of color combination on the scarf still work out good. Even-though at the first wipe you'd feel a bit "ah no I should've add more black on that" or "wth I just add too much water" or even worse "#()*&*?!!". 

Had experiences with surprises (either satisfactory surprise or unpleasant one) taught you things that make you paint better. As long as you learn something from it, you won't feel fail.

Maybe, no final color will turn out as flawless as your first expectation. But you won't feel sorry. It's just a flaw color, not a flaw scarf. It's the scarf that matters, anyway :)

Have yourself a 'beautiful painted scarf', everyone :)

*I'm on my way to finish this scarf!
** Had some bad things happened and felt sorry then tried to relax myself by painting, suddenly I came up with this thought. Such an enlightenment, alhamdulillah. :) 

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