Wednesday, July 6, 2022



Rawa Buntu, 5 AM

Who has more privilege? Is it the man who healthy, have seat in commuter line with all the carriages they bring from 60kms away to be sold in capital city market? Or is it me who also healthy, but has to stand up in commuter line for 30 mins straight with 3 bags strangled?

Imagine being them, should wake up at 3 am everyday, prepare all the goods and bring them by him/herself which the goods are normally cannot be carried by a single person.

When I have the option to use car or book taxi.

Options are indeed coming with privilege. When the privilege itself unfortunately mostly are inherited.

At least that was coming to my mind when one of the man ask me to his seat. 

"No, Pak, thank you." I answer politely.

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